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Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse 2024 #JillRit

Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse 2024 #JillRit

Regular price ₱111.00
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A collective and seasonal ritual done under an ideal astrological transit to help enhance your aura, skyrocket your manifestations and streamline your spiritual journey. 

To join, please donate 111PHP PER WISH by adding to cart here.

Write your full name, birthday, wishes on the note section here. 

All proceeds will be donated and used for Tree Planting efforts via Sprout

Closing petitions on Sept 18, 2024 2359H Philippine Standard Time

Date and Time: Date: Sept 18-20, 2024. You can do it anytime within that timeframe

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For this #JillRit, this is for the lunar eclipse in Pisces. 

The lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, is full of mystical, dreamy, and transformative energy. Lunar eclipses in general signify closures, revelations, and major emotional shifts, but when it happens in Pisces—the sign of intuition, spirituality, and dreams—it takes on a deeper, more ethereal vibe. This is the perfect time to tap into your inner world, cleanse any emotional baggage, and manifest from a place of deep spiritual alignment.

Key Transits to Consider:

  • Moon, Neptune, Saturn in Pisces: This creates a powerful blend of dreamy energy (Neptune) and grounded structure (Saturn) in Pisces' spiritual waters. Neptune allows you to dream big and visualize what you want, while Saturn in the mix keeps you practical about what steps are necessary to bring those dreams to life. Emotional clarity from the Moon in Pisces helps release any emotional blocks and lets your intuition guide you.

  • Venus in Libra: Venus in Libra is all about harmony, relationships, and beauty. This placement encourages you to manifest balance, peace, and love in your connections. If you’re manifesting love, relationships, or creative projects, this transit supports that with its charm and magnetism.

  • Mars in Cancer: Mars in Cancer adds emotional drive to your manifestations. It’s less about external action and more about nurturing your intentions and protecting your goals. There’s a softer but fiercely protective energy here, perfect for ensuring your manifestations are aligned with your emotional well-being and security.

  • Sun in Virgo: The Sun in Virgo adds precision, discernment, and a practical approach to manifestation. It’s time to get organized and pay attention to the details. Virgo’s energy helps refine your manifestations, making sure your desires are specific, realistic, and aligned with your higher purpose.


Items You’ll Need:

1. A Blue or White Candle (For Pisces Energy): 

  • Blue represents intuition, emotional healing, and spiritual clarity.
  • White symbolizes purity, protection, and new beginnings.

2. Paper & Pen:

  • Use this to write down what you want to release and what you want to manifest.

3. A Bowl of Water:

  • Pisces is a water sign, so having water nearby helps you stay connected to the flow of your emotions and intuition. You can even drop a crystal like amethyst or aquamarine into the water to enhance spiritual clarity.

4. A Small Fire-Safe Bowl or Cauldron:

  • For burning the paper as part of the ritual.

5. Incense (For Cleansing and Spiritual Connection) Any will do, but I recommend:

  • Sandalwood or Frankincense: Perfect for spiritual clarity, calming the mind, and connecting with higher consciousness.
  • Jasmine or Lavender: For invoking the dreamy, intuitive energies of Pisces.

6. (optional)Herbs & Oils for Anointing the Candle:

  • Rosemary: Enhances psychic abilities and intuition, opening the third eye.
  • Chamomile: For relaxation and peaceful manifestation.
  • Lavender: For emotional healing and calm.
  • Rose petals: If you're manifesting love or self-love.
  • any of LD's oils: To anoint the candle.

7. Crystals (Optional but Powerful):

  • Amethyst: Enhances spiritual growth and intuition, perfect for Pisces energy.
  • Aquamarine: Encourages emotional healing and clear communication.
  • Citrine: For manifesting abundance and success, helping bring your dreams into reality.

8. A Matches or Lighter:

  • To light the candle and burn the paper.

9. (Optional) Divination Tools


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